By defining and committing to best practices within the Mindful DG Initiative is critical to the success of the initiative for your business. To help build your best practices for your Mindful DG Initiative think of the final results and what that looks like. Knowing what that final results and goals looks like ensures that […]
Building Your Data Governance Team (Keys Roles and their responsibilites)
Key Roles and responsibilities can belong to many people or one person can have many roles, it really depends on the size of your company as well as the culture. The ideal person to lead the Mindful Data Governance initiative is the Chief Data Officer (CDO) if one exists in your business, other wise select […]
The Mindful Data Governance Levels. What level are you?
Quick Overview of Mindful Data Governance: In my previous blog I went over why I decided to create Mindful Data Governance and the meaning. Now I would like to go over the different levels of Mindful Data Governance as well as the first step. Within Mindful Data Governance the first thing a business would do […]
The power of integrating your systems
The first thing that I always hear from businesses is that they do not have integrated systems because of COST and the the effect of resource consumption. The biggest resource consumption that you can save on is your employees time. To be able to put an end to swivel chair technology in your business will […]
Why aren’t business focusing on Data Governance and what does that mean to them.
There are so many reasons why businesses are not focusing on Data Governance, but I think the main one is that the Executive teams really does not understand what Data Governance is and it’s benefits. Based on my experience and what I have been observing is that most businesses are focused on getting their systems […]
Quick Tips to optimize performance using Salesforce Bulk API
When you are using Salesforce Bulk API to load hundreds of thousands to millions of rows into your Salesforce org there are times when you will see your loading performance impacted. Below are just some quick tips for you to help optimize those data loads and integrations that are critical to your company’s success. Below […]
Redshift versus Snowflake
We are going to go over a couple of major areas to inform you whether Redshift or Snowflake is a better data warehouse for your business is based on three categories security, performance, pricing needs. How do these two cloud data warehouse compare to one another. Redshift: Deep discounts when your commitment is for a […]
Mindful Data Governance Initiative
Before I go into what Mindful Data Governance Initiative is, I do what to say that I truly believe that every business out there can get real value from implementing Data Governance. If Data Governance is not on the roadmap for your business to implement I would seriously start thinking on how you could get […]
Thinking of your data as a Strategic Asset will help Data Governance and your business
To implement Mindful Data Governance and have it become part of your business’s culture, the mindset of everyone in the business must believe that the data that your business is collecting is not just an asset but a strategic asset. Changing this mindset I think is extremely important and making sure the entire business understands […]
Benefits of Data Governance
There are many benefits of Data Governance and I 100 percent believe it is a requirement in todays business world not just a nice to have. I have been asked by business owners as well as C Level executives can they afford to implement Data Governance in their business? My response back to them is […]